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Divine Alignment

Mar 21, 2023

As we emerge from the darkness of Winter, into Spring, the energy supports us in cleansing not only our physical environment, but purifying our physical, mental, and emotional vessel as well. We are diving into how to work with these energies to harmonize and align while harnessing these potent energies.


Mentioned in...

Mar 16, 2023

For those who are ready to remember their connection to Source, and stop continually seeking healing.


You can watch the episode here:



Let’s continue this journey ✨ 


2023 Activation & Calibration



Portal to infinite self

Mar 9, 2023

Feeling Stuck? This week we’re diving into the energetics of feeling “stuck”, so that you can feel UNstuck, an redirect your energy. This comes with learning your own unique energy, along with understanding how energetics work. I also shared a potent channeled message on this topic to provide further illumination...

Mar 2, 2023

The irony of control… is what we believe we are controlling, actually has control over us. If you are ready to fully release control and experience inner freedom, I’ve hosted an experience designed to guide you to this infinite power within.

You can find out more here: